Friday, April 1, 2011

Blog Post 10


In Morgan Bayda's video she says "that she is glad that she is not afraid of change and is willing to embrace new ways of learning." I would have to say until recently I was one of the ones who didn't want to embrace change. After taking EDM310, I am now aware of how important it is in society for change. In the class of EDM310, I am encouraged constantly to collaborate in multiple ways with my classmates and other widespread members of my PLN through blogging and other ways. Even outside of school, the digital forums I've learned about have opened up so many opportunities for me.
As Morgan states that she sometimes struggles to stay awake in class, I think this is true for a lot of students. A lot of classes do need to be changed, but I still think all classes should have a teacher available for help, when students need them. A good teacher could make a big difference in a student's life.

Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home

The question that Tom Johnson asksis, What really is Education? Mr. Johnson drops out of school because he says that his schooling was interfering with his education. I agree the world is changing and that schools must change in order to keep up with the world, but I don't think dropping out of school should be the answer.
Mr. Johnson has a lot of good points that are made in the video. One, is that the Internet is the best thing that has ever happened to the human population. Second, that text books do not cost a lot of money and a lot of times are never used. Third, grades are usually given on how many facts you can memorize and not what you can do. Education should be changed in some ways to prepare students for our changing world.

1 comment:

  1. You discuss Dan Brown's video (which was part of Morgan Bayda's post) as if it were Tom Johnson's post. Very wierd.

    So you did not actually comment onTom Johnson's post Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home. Read my post Metaphors: What They Are and Why We Use Them (A Learning Opportunity). It contains a Special Assignment.
