Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Wordle Project 2

Hi, my name is Pamela Annette Boykin. I have lived in Mobile, Alabama, all of my life. I have one daughter and one son. My son plays football for Theodore High School. My whole family loves football and my favorite N.F.L. team, is the Patroits. My favorite singer is Tina Turner. I also love to play tennis, racketball, and going swimming.

I entered the education field because me and children have always gotten along very good and I thought that it would be a job that I would enjoy. I have also been taking several Social Work classes and am thinking about getting a degree in Social Work, I really enjoy the field.


  1. I thought you lived in Mississippi.

    "me and children" should be children and I

    "good" should be "well"
    Well is an advert; good is an adjective. Here you need the adverb form.

    You need to get a copy of Strunk and White, Elements of Style and use it!

  2. You did not include a paragraph on Randy Pausch's Time management.
