Monday, February 13, 2012

Blog Assignment # 3 How the iPad Works With Academics for Austism

In watching the video How the iPad Works With Academics for Austism, I really learned a lot. I have never worked with children that have Autism, but will be working with some children this semester that have learning problems. I really think it was great how the teacher got Corbin to participate in silent reading by using the iPad touch. I knew that audio books were readed all the time, but I didn't know they were used with teaching children with autism.

I would use the laptop also in the class as the teacher did, when someone could not talk. Using the laptop was a great way to understand a student and know what he was learning. It is amazing how much technology is used in our schools today. This video showed how important it is to use technology to communicate with others and the importance of teachers to know about the different ways to use technology in the schools to help students.

1 comment:

  1. Please put all parts of a single Blog Assignment in ONE post!

    What about your comments for the material assigned for the peer editing portion of this Blog post assignment?
