Saturday, February 18, 2012

Peer Editing

In watching Paige Ellis's Blog Assignment #12, What is Peer Editing, the video taught you how to correctly peer review a classmate's blog. The first step is always compliment the writer and stay positive. The second step is make suggestions that may help the writer and the third step is make any corrections that you see.

In critiquing a fellow classmates blog, I chose not to publically leave them any remarks, but to send them an e-mail. That is the way that I would like to be shown my mistakes, so that is the way I did their's. I think it is great to leave someone a compliment for everyone to see, but when you are critiquing someone, it should only be seen by that person.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pamela, my name is Linda Garscha. This is a good evaluation on peer editing. I fully agree that critiquing a classmate blog should be done in private versus in public; unfortunately I don't see an email on your blog to send you an email comment.
