Thursday, October 13, 2011

Post 7 C4T2

In going on the site of A Primary Blog for the 21st Century, the question was asked "Do you believe that student's need different things in place in order to be successful"? I agree that not everyone is taught in the same way, receives the same activities, uses the same tools, and has the same set of expectations. This was a very good blog site.

In going on the second site the question was asked how do you teach young student's about equity? This was a hard question to answer, but the teacher done a wonderful job in explaining what equity meant and how to use it. This was also an amazing site to visit.

Blog Post 7 Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

In watching the video of Randy Pausch's Last Lecture,I could not believe his attitude for a dying man. A lot of Mr. Pausch's quotes and sayings were very interesting. They made you really stop and think. The one "Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted" and "Most of what we learn, we learn indirectly (or by "head fake"). Experience to me is a learning process, and if you want to learn something then experience is the best teacher.

I definitely agree with him about being an imaginer. The Brick Walls are there for a reason. They let us prove how badly we want something. I have always been told never give up on your dreams, and after listening to this lecture I can see why I was told this. This man never gave up on anything.

In he saying "Never lose your child-like wonder" really sticks out to me. PPeople forget as they get older about having fun, being helpful to others and keeping a positive attitude. My daughter tells me all the time mom you are not 20 years old anymore. I know I am not 20 years old now, but I will always keep doing the things that I loved to do at 20. I hope I never lose my child-like wonder.

Enabling the Childhood Dreams of others was a very powerful message in Mr. Pausch's lecture When you look at a child and their enthusiasm, you know the meaning of joy. My son is sixteen and has a friend who is also sixteen, when I think back over all the years that I have enjoyed playing football, going swimming, taking them to the movies, playing games, and so much more with them, I know exactly what Mr. Pausck is talking about.

The closing of this lecture told it all when he said, "This lecture was not for you (the audience) or myself, but for my kids". How important it is for kids to understand that they will run into Brick Walls, but never give up on their success.