Friday, April 1, 2011

Blog Post 11

First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class
To me, this was the best video I have watched out of all the assignments we have had to do in EDM310. When the video started it showed you when these students were to graduate in 2025. It was amazing to me to see the first graders so interested in learning. They were using lab tops, writing on blogs, and so many more things. I didn't write on a blog until I was in college.
These first graders were also using the internet to learn about traditions and communicating with others through the internet about ways to learn. I could not believe that in the first grade this was becoming a common thing all over the world.
What really impressed me was how engaged they were in learning. The students looked so excited about what they were doing and the way they were learning. This made me stop and think if they are learning this in the first grade now, what will the be learning in the first grade in 2025?

Ms. Cassidy Skype in EDM310

Ms. Cassidy's approach to the use of technology in the classroom is wonderful. I think she has the right idea about not matching pictures of the students with their names on the internet. This is a very good safety strategy. Having parents sign a permission slip is also a must for all teachers.
She brings out a very good fact that children love an audience, and by blogging the students get to have the whole world as their audience. As she also reminds us, kids like to be seen and heard. It really surprised me , that the parents liked the idea of their children being able to use Skype at school.
I feel one of the problems a teacher may have is no support from their principals, or a helper as Ms. Cassidy had. But as we are reminded every day, technology is not going away, so our school administrators have to accept this and stop handicapping their students.
Technology today is part of every students life, whether they are at school or home. It is up to teachers like Ms. Cassidy to get the program going in schools all over the United States, so as the government says, no child left behind, will really happen. Because, without technology in our scholls, our children will be left behind.
As a fellow learner, I will urge students to develop their PLN's as soon as possible, so they can learn and communicate to others anywhere in the world.


  1. Pamela, I loved reading your feedback on this post. Yes, technology is growing rapidly. I also thought woah...seriously these first graders are doing what I am learned how to do this year, it absolutely blew my mind. I never blogged till this year either, I have skyped before but still, what they are learning in class and then thinking about what the students are going to be learning in 2025 is crazy!!! I also loved how Ms. Cassidy makes learning fun and how the students are enjoying themselves in the classroom. Watching the skype interveiw was good too, I liked hearing all of her answers to Dr. Stranges questions. I also absolutely loved when she is so concerned about her students safety. I think we all need to be teachers like Ms. Cassidy. The Education field needs to grow greatly in the aspect of keeping up with the world in order for it to not die away. Thank you so much for your feedback and I loved reading your blog! Hope you are having a good semester in EDM 310!
    - Nell Broughton

  2. Great reflection. I think you are right in regards to how important a support team is to innovative teaching strategies. In an interview with John Spencer this Saturday, he said that although many of his colleagues have not jumped on board with technology like he has-- his supportive administration has made a difference. Like Ms. Cassidy, he had to be willing to stick his neck out and try it first. I think that is what is so significant about these teachers that we have you study. They are willing to go where many others in there community have not been willing to explore. We are fortunate to be able to do the groundbreaking for Mobile-- it's up to us to shape how our future community is going to look.
