Friday, April 1, 2011

Blog Post 9

What I've Learned This Year
In watching "What I've Learned This Year" by Mr. McClung, I would have to say that I agree with almost all of his comments. An important decision he made in his life was to stay positive. Staying positive in any case can definitely change the outcome of the situation.
Mr. McMlung has the right suggestions for teachers. Lessons do not need to be student centered and teachers need to check that their students are comprehending what they are teaching. The advice, no lesson is ever perfect, the lesson you teach and the one you plan are always different, they still should be taught with a smile on your face.
The best part of the video to me was about communication. Every teacher needs to know how to communicate with their students, the students parents, fellow teachers, and everyone that is working with them in the community. Mr. McClung says, "Communication is the best medicine, it can resolve any issue in the workplace", or any place for that fact.
Mr. McClung also says "Our job as teachers is to simply pick them up after they fail, dust them off, and encourage them to try again." To me so many teachers forget students are in their classrooms to learn. I would hope that all of my students will be able to come and ask me questions and that I will never make them feel stupid or left out.
In closing Mr. McClung states it all "Don't be afraid of technology, technology is our friend and is essential to living in our microwave society of today." You should never stop learning.

1 comment:

  1. Pamela,

    I agree that Mr. McClung makes some excellent points, and we should definitely use his advice in our classrooms. Communication is key in any relationship, and I believe we should communicate with all of our students. You are right that many teachers forget the students are the most important, so instead, we should create a welcoming environment in which we encourage and love them.
