Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blog Assignment #4 Langwitches-Podcasting witht 1st Grade
After reading some great blog posts on Landwitches, I could see how skills are used with blogging. Some of the skills included listening, speaking, comprehension, media, and technology. Teacher's could tell a drastic improvement among students in their confidence level and voice expression as they progressed in Podcasting. To me anytime a child's confidence is improved, it is worth doing. Teacher's could see shy and quiet students were coming out of their shell's. Their classmates were surprised and impressed with the voices that were coming out of the podcast. I could just image how excited these 1st grader were. Their excitement made me to want to get up and go do a Podcast. Teacher's like this are a blessing to our children, in the classrooms. Judy Scharf Podcast Collection This blogg page had so much information on it about Podcasting, that I couldn't see how it couldn't be useful to anyone that didn't know how to do a Podcast. The blogg explained what a Podcast was and what equipment you would need to have to the Podcast. I loved her tips to Succeed for doing a Podcast. It was great that Scharf gives you the links to Youtube, which shows how to make a podcast using audacity. I loved the Time Schedule for Creating a Podcast she used in the classroom. I find this very surprising that it would take so long to do a Podcast. I had never heard fo Podbean, so this detailed illustrated handout showing how to upload your podcast to the internet was very helpful. I will use this site in creating my Podcast. Langwitches 1st Graders Create Own Read Along Book This is amazing to me that 1st graders are learning how to do a Podcast and create there Own Read Along Book. I know I have been out of school for a long time, but I never would have thought that 1st graders would be so engaged in the process of Podcasting. I listened to these first graders make " Dinosaurs Before Dark", and I couldn't believe how alive their voices were, especially creating their own read along book. I didn't know what was the meaning of Garageband, so I looked it up. Now I understand the use of Garageband. It is used to play, write, record. and produce music. I really learned a lot from watching this podcast.> c


  1. "Teacher's could tell a drastic improvement ..." Use see rather than tell.
    No apostrophe. To make teacher plural just add an s. Adding 's makes it singular possessive.

    "Teacher's could see shy and quiet..." Same problem as above.
    "...coming out of their shell's." Same problem again
    "...these 1st grader were." graders not grader

    "Their excitement made me to want to get up and go do a Podcast." Your chance is coming soon.

    "Teacher's like this ..." Same problem as before.

    You need to add the break tags as well as the bold tages to create an internal header for . Judy Scharf Podcast Collection and Langwitches 1st Graders Create Own Read Along Book.

    "...blogg page had so much information on it about Podcasting, that I ..." blog not blogg

    "...I couldn't see how it couldn't be useful to anyone that didn't know how to do a Podcast. " Wow! three negatives in one clause/ Awkward. Rewrite.

    "The blogg explained what a Podcast..." blog not blogg

    "I had never heard fo Podbean, so this.." of not fo

    "...and create there Own Read Along Book. " their not there

    Too many errors that should have been caught through proofreading. No links.

  2. Like you, I learned a lot of information from the Langwitches blog. I agree that it is exciting for teachers to introduce this type of technology to students at such a young age. Podcasts seem to help students gain a great deal of interest in reading, which is always a good thing.
